About 3 Great Loves

The United Church of Christ has a vision of a just world for all. In this world all are welcomed, everyone is loved and justice is inherent. 3 Great Loves is our denomination’s opportunity to live out our Love of God and vision of a just world for all and express how our Love of Neighbor, Love of Children, and Love of Creation work together to address the inequities in our current world.

One of our local church pastors quickly recognized that so many of our churches are already doing the work of 3 Great Loves in a variety of ways. But just perhaps not calling it that. Collecting blankets and jackets or food for those in need during winter. That is 3 Great Loves in action! Organizing a letter writing campaign to local/state/federal officials around issues of immigrant, the federal budget, environmental justice, or healthcare. That is 3 Great Loves in action! Doing a yearly school supplies drive? That is 3 Great Loves in action! Taking part in the ministry of your Conference’s camp? That is 3 Great Loves in action!

Another local church pastor quickly realized there are creative ideas and efforts that our congregations have yet to dream up as they live out the love of God made know with and through our 3 Great Loves Initiative. The creative spirit of God’s people will dream up new and creative ways to transform the worlds with God’s love made know.

During these upcoming two years, there will be moments of special invitation to participate in this denomination-wide undertaking. One by one we will focus on each of the 3 Great Loves in service to our communities. Tell your story. Share the witness and testimony of your ministry as you share the Love of God in and through each of these 3 Great Loves. Together, we will see the impact and transformation of our collective efforts.